Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
Article Info
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose شماره 49

volume Number : 13
number In Volume : 3
issue Number : 49

Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 13، number In Volume 3، ، issue Number 49

A study of the Style and Content of the Religious Epic Hamle-ye Heidari [The Attack of Heidar] by Bazel Mashhadi

Ali Balaghi Inaloo , Abdolnasser nazariani (Author in Charge), Alireza Mozafari


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Hamle-ye Heidari [The Attack of Heidar] is one of the epic poetry collection written by Bazel Mashhadi in imitation of Ferdowsi"s Shahnameh. This poetry collection is a historical-religious work, the main theme of which is the narrative of the story of the life of the prophet Mohammad (PBUH) and his battels, the expression of Imam Ali"s heroism and their miracles and deeds, historical events related to the early days of Islamic recorded in the books of history. The primary objective of this article is to review the literature concerning the style of this work.

METHODOLOGY: the present research has been done in a descriptive- analytical manner using library sources.

FINDINGS: this work is composed in the form of couplet in Bahr-e Motaghareb Meter. Precedence of verbs, short sentences and repetition of the verbs, his use of pronoun He and she for non-animated objects, using special sentences of Shahnameh, matching the attributes and positions, and applying vague pronouns and turning and relevance at the beginning of the urges, is among the syntactic characteristics of his work. The literary features of the Bazel’s speech are also based on imitation. The main similes used in this work are sensory to sensory. One the intellectual level, the overall structure of this poetry collection is related to the stories of Islamic history, explaining the confrontation between pagans and Muslims and describing the scenes of battle and combat tools.

CONCLUSION: the selection of the Bahr-e Motaqareb Meter has brought these poems closer to epic language due to the increase of long syllables. The highest frequency in the selection of monorhymes belongs to the pronoun monorhymes and total verbs that bring the rhythm and music of the poetry closer to the epic song. But the use of Arabic, slang and new words is relatively not compatible with the logic of epic language. The repetition of the phoneme, the word, the contraction of words and puns, has increased the inner music of this poetry collection. On the literary level, the use of sensory similes adds to the simple epic space. At the intellectual level, the description of the battlefields and the description of heroes are among the topics in this religious epic.

Stylistics , Hamleh-ye heydari , Mashhadi villainy , historical-religious epic

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